NOTE: Wikipedia is
NOT a legitimate source for any class, especially not this one. It is an encyclopedia ANYONE (including you) can edit with completely inaccurate information and as such is not a reliable source of information.
I am giving everyone a chance to earn up to 10 extra credit points (this is in addition to the possible 15 points you may earn through classroom extra credit). In order to earn these points, you must rent and watch "The Core," "Volcano," "Dante's Peak," "10.5," "10.5: Apocalypse," "Armageddon," "The Day After Tomorrow," "Earthquake," "Journey To The Center Of The Earth," "At The Earth's Core," or "When Time Ran Out" on VHS or DVD. Once you have viewed the film, you must write a one-page (single spaced, 12 point font, 1" margins, complete page) report that includes at least SEVEN scientific inaccuracies in the film, with an explanation of why each is wrong.
For example, if the film you viewed showed Earth people living on the surface of Venus and walking around normally, you would explain how this is wrong because the surface temperature on Venus is 932°F and the surface atmospheric pressure is 1323 psi (whereas Earth's surface temperature is 60°F and its atmospheric pressure is 14.7 psi), therefore no Earth humans could survive there.
In order to receive credit for this, you must staple the rental receipt for the VHS or DVD to the paper. You will receive both the paper and receipt back, this is just a way of proving YOU actually viewed the film and did not just copy someone else's extra credit report. If your receipt shows credit card or other sensitive information, please black it out with a permanent marker for your own safety. If you already own the film, you may bring in the VHS or DVD box to show me as proof that you viewed the film.
Remember, this is totally optional extra credit. You may choose to do it or not. These points will be added to your class point total and are separate from the 15 points maximum of extra credit you may earn from the labs.